Friday, February 17, 2006

From the Back of a Truck Picture from
Doing business from the back of a pickup truck used to mean selling fruit or vegetables as in the picture above, but as you can see in the picture below business from the back of a pickup truck takes on a whole new meaning in this age of technology. Our old friend Michal Sokol and his boss Mr. Ludvik Machala were taking care of their business back home in Europe, from the back of Odell's pickup truck via their laptops and the internet.

Perhaps you had the opportunity to meet Michal and Ludvik at church last Sunday or at our Wednesday evening Bible study. Thursday morning I found the two of them outside, checking on business back home. Since MACHALA is a multi-million dollar business, I thought it was interesting to see them at work in this setting. Wow, business from the back of a pickup has certainly come a long way! When I look at technological advances in the last thirty years, I am amazed. You see, I am old enough to remember a time before personal computers and before video games. I can remember a time before cell phones too, although I wonder how parents managed keep track of their kids..

We live in a world that epitomizes the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 3:7.

always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

Předstíraný zájem o duchovní věci nikdy k ničemu nepovede,
protože ve skutečnosti jim jde o něco úplně jiného.
(2.list Timoteovi 3:7)*

It is even more amazing that we can know so much about outer space and micro organisms, while we know so little about inner space or our own souls. We understand so much about temporal things and so llittle about eternal things. What if we have all the toys and all the technological gadgets, and what if we have the latest in computers and communication devices, but fail to communicate with God? Mark 8:36 asks the question this way.

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Vždyť co člověku prospěje, získá-li celý svět a pravý život promarní?
(Marek 8:36) *

Hey, don't get so caught up in the progress of this world that you forget to prepare for the one to come. I want to encourage you to live today in light of eternity.

*verses in Czech provided for my friend Ludvik Machala

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